Sunday, April 29, 2007

The countdowns begin...

Last weekend, we ran off to Rehoboth for one last beach weekend before this little boy joins us this summer. It was gorgeous weather and we were able to squeeze almost a week's worth of activities into 3 days--all except puzzles on the porch and rooftop golfing at Ryans (it was way too windy!)

Can't believe the difference between PA and MD....yesterday we were in Shippensburg watching Pat run bundled up in the rain and today we sat outside all day sweating since it was so hot!

Starting the countdowns around here... 5 weeks of school and 12 weeks of pregnancy! I'm putting together 4th quarter progress reports this week, counting down 18 class days until the MD High School Assessment my 7th and 8th graders have to take! No one's failed it in 5 years from my school--that's a LOT of pressure!!!!

I actually got some sleep this week--must be all the extra work at school--although we've begun the kick counts---he's supposed to move at least ten times an hour for the rest of the time....I think he's definately exceeding that!! Oh--we're fairly certain he's Lucas James....but all of you who know me well can expect a change of mind if I see him and he's more of a Noah (beard, staff, ark, etc)....

Be home in Edinboro the next two weekends for Mandy's bridal shower and Chris' EUP graduation....hopefully the drive won't be too bad!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Squirmy at 27 weeks

I know everyone thinks I'm exaggerating, but this little boy almost NEVER stops moving! Between the hiccups, twisting, turning and poking, he is draining all of my energy =) Being on break last week messed with his very consistant schedule of sleeping during the day and being up at he's just up all the time with little 20-30 minute naps. I think his actual goal right now is to stretch me out as big as possible. I feel like I nearly doubled in size over break! Hopefully Mike will be able to get a picture this weekend.

Oh--some people have been asking about the is the website for the decorations we've purchased...

Monday, April 2, 2007

at least 16 times...

Brian says I have to post everyday for this to be a real blog--but unless you want to hear about how many times I peed today this just isn't a daily thing...

Today marks 105 days left to go! Of course I don't actually expect this little guy to be perfectly on time--his daddy's always early and mommy's always late--we'll see who he takes after!

It's been a pretty eventful week...we had to cancel our Vermont plans to visit Mandy and Mike =( due to some serious pain from God trying to widen my hips even more! We'll be heading to the Boro instead (a much shorter drive) Then we'll head over to Messiah to see Pat run and celebrate both his and Brian's birthdays.

Luke/Noah is still quite a kicker and continues to be more and more active in the evening/night. When I'm awake, I swear I could stare at my stomach and watch him move for hours. He's about 14 inches long and 1.5lbs now and starting to fill out. If he has hair, it's there now and all colored and everything. He just becomes more and more "real" everyday--I can't believe there's a whole person growing inside me!!!!!