Monday, July 2, 2007

3 weeks to go! (or less!)

Sorry, no new pics this time but some great news---went to the dr on Friday and I'm already 2 cm dialated and 90% effaced....she seemed to think that gave me a pretty good chance of delivering early--YAY!!!! I'm seeing the dr. every Friday now and although I've scheduled appts through July 28th, I'm praying we won't need them all.

Mike's folks were here this weekend and helped us get started on the packing and everything coming mom and dad will be down next weekend to continue that---our house is starting to look bare. Luckily Luke won't remember his first 3-4 weeks here and how un-homey things are looking.

We washed all the baby stuff and I'll be packing hospital and diaper bags today. Mike and his dad installed the car seats and we'll have those approved this week also. Can't believe how much still needs to be done and how exhausting getting it all ready it but we are just dying to bring Luke home (whether everything's ready or not!)

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